Friday, January 25, 2013

Teach.... Don't Tell or Yell

seratonin on the growing brain, yelling at kids, laughter is the best medicine, fight or flight reaction, child guidance, child discipline
As parents most of us want are children to be successful in life- which includes social and academic success.

Keep in mind that how our children are treated influences their ability to learn.

In times of stress the brain secretes a chemical called cortisol. When the brain is awash in cortisol the body is not receptive to learning. The body sets itself up biologically to react by "flight or fight". As a result their body is not focused on learning but rather on identifying threats.

On the other hand, positive feelings such as laughter, joy and relaxation, induce the brain to secrete the chemical serotonin which stimulates the mind's ability to process and learn new information. The old adage "laughter is the best medicine" has proven true.

From a guidance point of view- if you want a child to really learn what you are trying to share with them, teach...don't yell or tell. Children's bodies will be more receptive to what you have to say if they are in a relaxed learning state and feel safe from threats.

For a great detailed article on the influence of stress on the brain visit Dr. Perry's article "Aggression and Violence: The Neurobiology of Experience" at

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