Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Storytime with CFC in February

We offer a monthly Storytime at the Markleeville Library.  
For the month of February we read:
This is a story about unconditional love.
It also has a large number of new cultural words with descriptions and pictures at the back.  

This is a hilarious story that had the group engaged and laughing- especially the boys.

We made animal tangrams from hearts, taking our inspiration from "My Heart is Like a Zoo" by Michael Hall.

This is a great visual-perception activity.
For our group we pre-cut the pieces for several of the animals and let the children choose an animal.
While we were pleased with the results, a preschool class may choose only one animal to streamline the cutting and prep process.

heart tanagrams, tanagrams, animal tanagrams, kids zoo crafts, my heart is like a zoo, seal craft, circus craft

  • We traced the hearts using parchment paper. It is stiffer and easier to work with than tissue paper (which we tried). Tracing paper would work well also (we could not locate ours).
  • After you get heart templates cut out, use them once to trace onto construction paper and then use the construction paper heart as the template. The stiffer paper will be easier to work with.
  • Cut out all the shapes you need.
  • Provide your child with a sheet of paper, the hearts, and a copy of the animal by opening the book to that page.
  • Glue the hearts in the shape of the animal.
  • You can also add a literacy component by adding an adjective to describe the animal by using rubber stamps, stickers or markers.

heart tanagrams, tanagrams, animal tanagrams, kids zoo crafts, my heart is like a zoo, frog craft, crab craft, walrus craft

heart tanagrams, tanagrams, animal tanagrams, kids zoo crafts, my heart is like a zoo, heron craft, bird craft, beaver craft, bear craft, moose craft

heart tanagrams, tanagrams, animal tanagrams, kids zoo crafts, my heart is like a zoo, bunny craft, rabbit craft, bird craft, jay craft, moose craft, yak craft

While this is more of a math or visual perception activity, you could adapt this activity to include a more creative component by offering a variety of hearts in different sizes and colors and let the artist work to create something unique.

For snack we enjoyed.......
Mmmmm strawberry cream cheese on heart shaped lahvosh crackers with our fruit of the month....mandarins.
heart lavosh, healthy kids snacks

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