Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Use Positive Constructive Communication

Our agency had the pleasure of hosting our 22nd Annual Child Care Provider Appreciation Brunch at the Lake Tahoe Golf Course on Saturday, April 20th.
Our guest speaker was Alexis Robin a Nourish Life & Business Coach.
Alexis presented a dynamic presentation on "Communication & Team Building" in the child care setting.
Feedback on our conference evaluation forms reflected the quality of her presentation; 100% of the evaluation competed rated Alexis's presentation as "excellent".

Please note: This is only a sliver of the fantastic information Alexis presented for our child care providers. We wanted to highlight one piece of her 2-1/2 hour presentation.

Child care providers and parents always have an audience.....children.  Frame this as a great opportunity to model positive communication skills for the children in your life. Among many other items for their "bag of tricks" related to positive communication, Alexis presented an idea called "capitalizing"- coined by Dr. Shelly Gable, assistant professor of psychology at UCLA. Dr. Gable's research in this area was focused on couples and how they responded to their partner when they shared good news. Based upon observations in this study Dr. Gable noticed four types of "capitalization responses" to good news being shared by a "loved one". Active-constructive, Passive-constructive, Active-destructive, and Passive-destructive.

dr. shelly gable, capitalization in relationships

Those person who displayed active-constructive responses to the good news had stronger, healthier relationships. Alexis Robin encouraged our child care providers to use active/constructive responses when children approach them with good news. This response or "capitalization" on their good news helps children feel valued and important and can help strengthen the child-provider relationship.

Alexis also shared another great way to model positive communication with children: focus on the opportunity to make something better. Children are always eager to share good news so you can be sure you will have plenty of opportunities to capitalize on their good news.

a child's sense of wonder, rachel carson, inspirational quotes about kids

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