This is a great fine motor activity for Halloween with plenty of room for creative input from your children.
You will need:
pipe cleaners
large and small beads
puffy fabric paint- optional
For each spider you will need 3 pipe cleaners, 2 large beads and a variety of small beads .
Cut two of the three pipe cleaners in half. You will only need 3 of the 4 halves.
Thread the long pipe cleaner through both beads and wrap downward and twist into place.
Thread each of the three halves through the loop between the large bead and the pipe cleaner loop.
Be sure to place the short pipe cleaner evenly on either side of the loop.
Twist each half into place after each one is threaded.
Spread the legs out with 4 on each side.
Bead each leg leaving space near the end to bend the pipe cleaner up to keep the beads in place.
Squeeze 8 dots for eyes on one of the large beads for eyes.
You can also use the looped area where you threaded the legs to loop a long clear string and hang your spiders in a doorway or window for Halloween.
You will find this activity has a place year round by pairing this activity with the nursery rhyme "Little Miss Muffet" or the books "The Very Busy Spider", "Anansi the Spider" or "Charlotte's Web".
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