Thursday, March 5, 2015

Foam Bottle Cap Stamps

stamps crafts for kids, green crafts for kids, upcycle crafts for kids, craft foam

We have been collecting bottles caps of all sizes and types for some time now.
So far we have used our collection to make Geometric Prints with acrylic paint and bottle caps.

And Bottle Cap Stamps with foam stickers.

We took inspiration from The Long Thread and created personalized stamps with adhesive craft foam and bottle caps.

You will need:
adhesive craft foam-any color
plastic bottle caps
stamp pads

Trace the bottle cap onto the foam. We traced it on the foam side but it might work to trace on the waxy side.

Cut the traced circle, peel the waxy paper and stick on the top of the plastic bottle cap.

Draw an image on the foam top with a pencil.

Press firmly onto an ink pad. 

Simple designs work best. We used bottle caps varying in size from 1-1/2" to 2-1/2". The smaller size worked best with the size of ink pads we used. The smaller caps also allowed for more even pressure on the entire image. Remember if you are using letters to write them backwards. 

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