Thursday, April 23, 2015

Quality Child Care Matters: Provider Education

Multiple studies have shown a correlation between quality child care and the education and experience levels of the persons providing the care.

Child care providers with higher education levels in Early Childhood Education and who maintain a commitment to continuing education are more likely to provide higher quality care (when compared to caregivers with lower education levels).

Educated child care providers
  • are more sensitive to the needs and interests of the children
  • are more involved with the children throughout their time in care
  • have appropriate expectations for the skills and behaviors based upon the developmental stage of the child
  • offer richer learning environments 
If you are a parent, be sure to ask your child care provider about his/her education and experience related to Early Childhood Education and Child Development. Asking about their continuing education plan is also a great way to measure their commitment to their profession as well as an opportunity to discuss topics that really resonate with your child's provider. They will probably be overjoyed to share the latest techniques they learned for managing difficult behaviors or the benefits of exposing children to nature. 

As a provider, investing time in Early Childhood Education and Child Development- formally ,through college courses as well as workshop opportunities is a great way to improve the quality of your program and show parents you are dedicated to caring for children. 

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