Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tolerance Begins at Birth

Tolerance is a social-emotional skill that develops over time. Teaching tolerance begins in infancy. Infants, children and adults all have the same  5 critical emotional needs which are tied to tolerance. A child who feels important, accepted, respected, included and secure will be able to look at differences as positive and exciting rather than something negative or unpredictable. Children who's needs are met, who feel good about themselves and who feel safe and secure will be able to respect differences. Meeting your child's five critical emotional needs is the foundation for helping them develop tolerance.

developing tolereance, children and tolerance, teaching children about differencesYoung children will most often focus on differences which are more obvious- such as differences in appearance. They may ask, "Why doesn't that man have a leg?" or "Why does that lady sit in a chair with wheels?" It is also common for children to compare themselves with their peers. If a peer has a developmental delay, children may want tolknow why their peer can't do something the same they can.
In both cases it is important to both acknowledge the difference and also focus on what they are able to do. This helps show that differences aren't always prohibitive. Acknowledging differences as normal, rather than deviations from the norm, will help instill feelings of tolerance. We are each unique people; no one on earth is exactly like us. Your uniqueness is enriching to those around you the same way the uniqueness of others can enrich your life.

As your child develops they may begin noticing more subtle differences, such as religion, political affiliations, class, and sexual orientation- less obvious differences that are often "hot topics" for many. With exposure, acknowledgement, and respect for differences their tolerance for these "subtle" differences will serve them well in our diverse world.

The following is a beautiful song the children at The Early Learning Center sing at the preschool graduation each spring. Enjoy!

Listen the children sing it

The world is a rainbow
That's filled with many colors:
Yellow, black, and white, and brown,
You see them all around.

The world is a rainbow
With many kinds of people;
It takes all kinds of people
To make the world go round.

Now you be you
And I'll be me.
That's the way we were meant to be.
But the world is a mixing cup.
Just look what happens when you stir it up!

Now you be you
And I'll be me.
That's the way we were meant to be.
But the world is a mixing cup.
Just look what happens when you stir it up!

The world is a rainbow
With many kinds of people;
And when we work together
It's such a sight to see.
The world is beautiful when we live in harmony!

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