Friday, February 22, 2013

What Does a Child Need?


Things Every Child Needs for the Best Start in Life

Consistent, long-term attention from caring adults actually increases a child's capacity to learn. The more interactions a child has, the healthier his/her development will be.

How children know they are loved. Touch sends signals to the brain to make connections. Hug your child often.

Stable Relationships
Relationships with parents and other caregivers buffer stress that can harm a child. Children who have a stable relationship with at least one caregiver learn at a faster pace, feel better about themselves, and make friends more easily.

Safe, Healthy Environment
Creating a safe & healthy home allows you to maximize your child’s growth with minimal risk.

Self-esteem grows when children are treated with respect, encouraged & provided positive role models. Children deserve positive attention and reassurance. They need to hear often what they are doing right.

Quality Child Care
Quality child care from trained professionals is critical and essential when a parent cannot be with their child. View our checklist for quality child care.

Play provides children a safe place to explore his senses and discover how the world works. Play with your kids. Ask them to “come & play” rather than telling them to ”go & play”.”

Talking with your child not only shows love, but also encourages the development of his/her speech patterns and vocabulary. The more words your child hears the more brain connections are made.

Music offers children an outlet for expression and stimulates brain development in specific areas including language and reasoning.

Reading to a child from the earliest days of life shows them the importance of reading and creates a lifelong love of books. The more reading they experience, the more brain connections they make.

Information extracted with permission from "Ten Things Every Child Needs for the Best Start in Life" video production by the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.

Watch the full hour production "Ten Things Every Child Needs for the Best Start in Life".

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