Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Child Abuse Prevention Month: Kind Hearts for Kids

In Alpine County (one of our agency's service areas) the Alpine County Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC), is putting together soil & seeds packets for distribution throughout the month of April.
This project was created during our February CAPC meeting. Members have been focusing their agency work using the lens of the Five Protective Factors.

Our council took a poem from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, just as gardens take time, energy and sunshine to grow, children and the adults who care for them need kind words and kind deeds.

During Child Abuse Prevention Month, we wanted to keep in mind that kind words and kind deeds can help prevent child abuse. Each and every one of us can help prevent child abuse. Child abuse is more likely to occur when parents are stressed, lacking resources, social connections and knowledge about what their children should be capable of as well as how to address misbehavior. If you see a family in need, ask them how you can help. If they are pressed for time, offer to prepare dinner, run an errand, or complete a chore for them. Give them words of encouragement. Notice what they are doing well and offer compliments. If you have an established relationship, offer to listen without the intention of offering advice.

We designed our poem on a postcard sized document so four fit on one sheet.

We divided our seeds into snack sized resealable plastic bags. This was a big cost-saver since each seed packet is over $1 and we were able to provide over 150 small seed packets for less than $20. Each person received at least 5 seeds to help ensure success for at least one plant.

We purchased seeds which are easy to grow and do well in our dry mountain climate with a short growing season...and thinking about flowers the deer don't find tasty. We added a photo of the plant and the instructions which were on the original packet.

We placed a blue cup (Child Abuse Prevention Awareness color) and filled 3/4 of the way with soil.
We covered the cup with saran wrap and held it in place with a rubber band.

Then we placed the cups in a brown lunch sack with a "modified seed packet" and tied our poem on with a very blue ribbon. These will be handed out in a variety of venues this month, with the message of offering kind words and deeds to those raising children.

Ta da!
Remember to offer kind words and kind deeds this month to those raising children!
Parenting..."The hardest job you will ever love!"

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