Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Have a Contented Holiday Season

This time of year, adult and children alike, can become focused on acquiring more, regardless of need. This holiday season, take a deep breath and make a commitment on being content and sharing this contentment with the children in your lives.

Realize that advertisements during the holiday season are relentless. Reduce their effect by tossing ads, avoid viewing live television, and radio and muting commercials when necessary. Opt for non-ad entertainment options such as streamed shows, DVDs, compact discs, MP4s or even the beautiful sound of silence.

Rather than asking children what gifts they want, ask them what they would like to do with you. Children truly value your presence more than presents. Your presence and the time you spend with them will satisfy their emotional needs to feel important, included, respected, accepted and secure, something gifts will never do.

contented holidays

If children do prepare a wish list, ask them to include activities or people they would like to help during the holidays.

Activities and experiences to share with those you love this holiday season:

  • Be sure to stay focused on giving your child one on one time every day.
  • Bake or cook something new together. 
  • Bake or cook a dish that is traditional for your family. 
  • Eat by candlelight.
  • Make gifts together.
  • Make your own holiday decorations together.
  • Make a homemade bird feeder and watch the birds. 
  • Get out and enjoy the snow if you are lucky enough to have some :)
  • Go stargazing.
  • Make popcorn on the stove. 
  • Cut some paper snowflakes to adorn your windows.
  • Turn on your favorite music and dance together.
  • Have a tea party together.
  • Continue to set time aside to read together every day.
  • Host a potluck dinner or cookie exchange. 
  • Create a positive ripple effect by completing at least one random act of kindness every day.

If you are fortunate to truly have enough, share your good fortune with others:

  • Give your time as a family by donating time to a local organization in need of volunteers. 
  • Give the gift of food or gifts to those in need by donating to organizations collecting donations on behalf of those in need.
  • Bake for First responders (police & firefighters), road workers, neighbors, teachers, postal carrier, library staff...anyone you wish to feel appreciated for their work and show your gratitude.

Consider giving alternate arrangement of gift giving:
  • Have a gift exchange with a spending limit rather than buying everyone in your 'circle' a gift.
  • Give the gift of time by offering to help a friend or family member with something or create a coupon book of promises for help in the future. 
  • Give the gift of experience by teaching a skill you have with someone who is eager to learn.

If you are interested in a simplified holiday, download the free booklet "Simplify the Holidays" by Center for the New American Dream, full of fantastic ideas for having a more personal, meaningful, less stressful, less expensive and more contented holiday season.

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