Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Painting Pine Cones with Scented Paint

For play group last week we brought a sensory rich activity....painting pine cones with holiday scented paints.

fall scented paint, fall activities for toddlers

You will need:
pine cones
tempera paint
ground cloves and/or allspice
paper for table
paintbrush- optional

We collected a bag of blue spruce pine cones because they are soft and free of prongs.
Lay a paper over the table to protect the surface.
Squirt paint directly onto paper and then shake the spices over the paint.

The strong, pleasant smell of cloves and allspice provides a rich sensory experience and didn't darken the paint.

Have children paint the cones with a paint brush or roll in the paint puddles.

toddler fall activities
Once the cones are dry, you can display the results of their work in a clear vase.

Hanging the cones upside down by ribbon is a great, warm and colorful addition to your home or child care facility.

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