Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fun With Bubble Paint

At play group this week we tried using bubble paint. Our goal was to have the children create colored bubbles to the press with paper, making an image of the bubbles on the paper.

First we added paint (they asked for red and blue), liquid soap and a about 8 ounces of water to a cake tray.
We could only create bubbles by blowing through the straw when we tilted the pan allowing the liquid to puddle together.

We transferred the liquid to a bowl and had nearly instant success creating bubbles.

The children were so happy making the bubbles and popping them and opted out of making prints.
They were interested in painting with the liquid and used their straws to apply paint to their paper.
Additionally, they asked for small amounts of paint to be applied to their paper and they continued painting with straws and their fingers.

They look like little rain clouds.

So while we didn't get the bubble prints we set out for, the children had an engaging and rewarding time with the materials we presented.

The paint was also very easy to clean up since it was mixed with soap.

In retrospect, we would have used a sturdier bowl than paper as it gets floppy with all of the liquid and pipettes/eye droppers would have been another great material to add to the offering.

Also the children in our group were 3-4 year old children who were able to successfully blow rather than suck the liquid- a necessary skill for this activity.

1 comment:

  1. Great Activity for kids to enjoy.Innovative Idea.I know a Preschool In Bangalore where kids get to learn more and more Innovative activities like these.
