Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Parenting 0-5 years: What is Your Parenting Style

Alpine First 5 hosted an 8 week parenting series, using Active Parenting curriculum presented by Carol Ledesma of Choices for Children, for parents of children 0-5 years old. This is the second post in the blog series "Parenting 0-5 years" allowing us to share some of the information presented in the sessions with those unable to attend.

Session 2: How Do You Parent? What Is Your Parenting Style?

There are few types of parenting styles. 

  • Autocratic
  • Permissive
  • Democratic (also known as Authoritative or Active)
A parent can believe in a certain parenting style, but when it comes down to actions, actually parent with another style. Like most things in life parenting style is not fixed. We can change our parenting style based upon the situation, environment and our own mood and energy levels.

It's all about balance
The Autocratic Parenting Style focuses on controlling the child. Parents give directives and children are punished when they don't comply. The Autocratic parenting style is not effective in the long run. Children raised in this way have less chances to practice making decisions for themselves. Punishment and the more one-sided dialogue which accompanies this parenting style interferes with the parent-child bond. Children who are punished may adapt to their environment and misbehave in order to get the parent's attention they are desperately craving. 

The Permissive Parenting Style is one where there are no rules to follow and the children make most of the decisions. Small children are not in a position to safely make good decisions without adult guidance. Parents may lean toward this style if they lack time, don't know any other way and/or don't want to say "no" to their children and let them experience disappointment and other feelings which help develop self-regulation. 

The Democratic Parenting Style is a one where the parent sets the rules but allows choices within reason. Creating a strong relationship with your child based upon trust is part of the Democratic Parenting Style. Parents with this style will understand children will make mistakes, which is how they learn. Parents gradually hand over control as children learn and grow. With this style parents set up the environment to keep their child safe and allow them safe choices. When parenting very young children, child "proofing" the environment helps parents keep their children safe while they learn and reduces the number of "nos" a parent will give. 

To learn about Democratic Parenting methods visit our blog posts:
The Five Critical Emotional Needs of Children
Really? Punishment is Out?
Meltdown?....Check the H.I.T.S. List
Decoding Misbehavior
Create Positive Behavior Change
Choose Democratic Parenting
Kicking and Screaming: Surviving Tantrums
True Child Discipline Takes Time
Rescuing Children From Mistakes
Why Spanking Doesn't Work

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