Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Best Play Dough Recipe

In June every year, Choices for Children hosts a hands-on activity fair "Day of the Young Child" to celebrate and acknowledge how important the development of young children is to our communities and our future.

This year's theme was "Quality Child Care Matters"

Local agencies and child care providers are invited to participate and setting up an activity children will enjoy. There is always a great variety of open ended play materials such as cloud dough, water tables, and a huge pool of bubble mix. Children stay longer at the open-ended activities since they are more engaged with the materials- using them in their own way.

This year, our agency offered home made play dough which the children loved!
This tried and true recipe comes from our Resource & Referral Specialist in Cameron Park.
Add glitter or any other type of add-in as desired.
Add some tools to help them explore the material.
Anything will do- use what you have on-hand.

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