Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Adventures for Kids

spring activities for kids, nature activities for kids
Enjoy the warmer weather Spring has to offer.
Go outside with the kids and ask...."What things do you see in spring that you don't see in the winter, summer or fall?"
Their answers might be: buds or blossoms on trees and flowers, green plants starting to sprout, more birds, more vocal birds, different kinds of birds, insects, rain, wind, baby animals, people cleaning their yards, butterflies, frogs croaking, people not wearing jackets.

Be a detective, treasure hunter, scientist, and/or artist.

upcycle cereal box, nature journal, outdoor projects for kids
Homemade Journal
We made this one from a cereal box and paper.
We used a 3-hole punch for the front and back, as well as the pages.
We bound our journal together with string.
Decorate any way you like.
Bring binoculars and magnifying glasses outside so children can see both far and near. Have children record what they see in a journal. Children can use it to describe each new spring discovery, record the date you found it, and draw a picture. They can also tape or glue "found" items, such as feathers in their journal. Look for animal tracks. Lay on the grass and watch the clouds move through the sky.
A digital camera can also be a great addition to outdoor activities. Children can print their photos out put them in their journals. Photography is an art and children with pre-writing skills can use a camera and dictate their labels to an adult or older child. Be sure to offer plenty of encouragement for good old-fashioned drawing and writing in the journal.

racoon printsListen
Listen and identify spring sounds. Use a digital recording device to record spring sounds. Later you can draw pictures of the sounds and play audio matching. Listen to the recorded sounds and locate the matching picture on the lotto board.
Ask children, "What does Spring smell like?"
Many people feel seasonal changes, too. Ask your children if their mood is different in spring. If so, how and why? Feel the wet grass. Touch soft feathers. Dig in the dense earth. Feel the gentle breezes.

Talk about the science of spring
This time of year, our part of the planet tilts toward the Sun, making days longer and sunlight stronger. Because we are closer to the sun the temperature grows warmer. With warmer temperatures, plants begin to grow. More plants growing makes more food for animals. Since there is more food, more animals have babies at this time of year than any other time during the year.

For more ideas on outdoor and nature activities for kids visit The National Wildlife Federation. Pledge Join their "Be Out There" campaign and pledge to bring nature to the children in your life by getting them outside.

Also make a commitment to a Screen Free Week April 29-May 5, 2013.

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